Saturday, September 22, 2012

Not that Anyone Reads This, But It's About Time

It is now time to discuss the up coming election. Why? Because Romney's stupidity is finally visible enough that Republicans started hating his stupid ass.

Many people don't like Obama, because he talked really big four years ago and haven't gotten much of his to do list done.

Many people don't like Romney, because he would sooner sell America, piece by piece, to the highest bidder instead of give this country what it really needs.

Reasons not to vote for Obama:
- He didn't get everything accomplished that he said he would (even though he dealt with a lame duck congress and was DEFINITELY the first politician to fall short of the plans they have)
- He's black. (Yeah, people seriously have an issue with having a black president even though it's been this way for the last 4 years, and we were SO MUCH BETTER OFF with the last white guy.)
- I'm sure there are other petty reasons that people can come up with, but I can't right now.

Reasons to vote for Romney:
- Prove that George Bush really wasn't that bad
- Try to achieve total anarchy
- He's white. (Seriously, people?)
- We like having a president that we can laugh at anytime they come in front of a camera.

Reasons to VOTE FOR OBAMA:
- He cares about this country
- He has helped to turn this country back around (not where we were before Bush, but definitely not worse off)
- He is in favor of the idea of having a female president
- He wants to work for the everyday person and not just the people like Mrs. Reinhart who think we should be able to eat cake if we can't afford bread.

- He wants more tax cuts for the top 1%
- He wants to keep the class warfare and current status quo intact
- He wants to dismantle FAFSA
- He publicly disregarded 47% of the country, because they don't like him
- He offends people whenever he travels somewhere
- He doesn't care about gay families or rights
- He is a calloused person (which is more against him as a person than as a president, but still)
- I could continue, but really this guy only one the primary because he was the best of the worst

It would be a crime against this nation to elect Mitt Romney so that he can continue to coddle his CEO and exceedingly rich friends. Obama has the capacity to do something. At the VERY least, he won't make things worse.

I'm begging the people of blogspot who read this, don't make things worse. PLEASE, don't elect Romney.


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