Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Marriage: Gay, Straight, and Otherwise

I fully support gay marriage. Not all homosexual people want to get married, not all marriages should be homosexual. It comes down, again, to the right to choose. If two people want to get married and seen as a legal entity in the eyes of state and federal government, there should not be anyone telling them that they cannot.

For the same reason as I stated with abortion, it is not anybody else's lives that are being impacted by the decision to marry within the same sex.

The fact that gays and lesbians can't marry just shows the power of homophobes and small-minded individuals. It has got to stop.

Why are there no gay marriage rights?
The Bible and Homophobes Who Use the Bible as a Justification for Their Small Minds

We all know the argument, it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. This argument is stupid. I can barely give it an iota of thought. It is as if part of our society said, "We can't use cell phones, because the Bible does not mention cell phones existing." I can't even focus enough to rip open this argument. How can someone say that the lack of something means that something should NEVER happen? It's absurd. Considering how widely accepted the Theory of Evolution is, I can hardly believe that this argument carries any water.

Perhaps if it had been Adam and Steve, paradise would not have been lost.

People say that the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. The last I heard, the Bible says someone pretty important died for our sins, so why is this even an issue? Also, I believe there are MANY passages about keeping women in submission, keeping slaves in line, and using slaves as bartering chips. The Bible even condones murder! That part about not suffering a Witch to live? That little line in the Bible gave justification to the insanity that occurred in Salem, Massachusetts. I'm sorry, but society seemed to have figured out a while ago that the Bible says things that are not necessarily for the greater good of society in general. Why are we still using this text to defend the part of society that seems hellbent to return to the stone age?

Keeping gay marriage illegal is unconscionable. Gay marriage NEEDS to be legalized. It would stimulate the economy, because of more money spent on weddings. It would allow people the same rights and status as everyone else. (Equality is a good thing!) It would stop hundreds of people from looking as stupid as the people who opposed interracial marriage. And, maybe, just maybe, gay marriage give the world more of the love that it deserves.

There is barely a question. Can a white man marry a black woman? Yes? Then, it is only a matter of time that gay marriage is commonplace, too.

Let's stop trying to deprive people of their rights. Inequality does nothing but support oppression and make the idea that this is a free and just country a sad, ironic joke.


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