Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yep. I Went There.

So. Religion.

I like religion, personally. Some people don't. John Lennon seemed to think the world would be better without it. I, however, think the world would be better without assholes. Assholes are what ruin everything, not religion. Most religions are beautiful, wonderful thoughts of how and why the world is the way it is. And then there are assholes.

There is a large difference between saying, "I don't believe in God," and "You're stupid because you believe in God." There is a difference between saying, "I was saved by Christ," and "You're going to burn in Hell." The difference being the asshole-ish judgments.

I am Wiccan. I do not shove this down people's throats. I don't think I'm better than others because of my religious beliefs. All I ask in return, all anyone should deserve in return, is the same respect.

I cannot express how tiring it is to be invited to Bible studies on my college campus every week just because I wear a pentacle around my neck. Those people mean no harm, but my own choices should not be offensive to others.

A good life motto: "To Each His Own"

This post is a bit shorter, because I've been focused on a lot. Conspiracy Theories, Education Reform, Women's Rights, the Media. I'll probably write a post about these later when I'm less scatterbrained.

Still, religion is very important, and I really feel that this country could do with some realizations regarding what someone else does and if it really affects you. Gay marriage should not be opposed by straight people. They are not being made to participate in a union with someone of the same sex. Religions should not be opposed by people of other religious persuasions. It is not their religion. This country needs to see how not everything is a personal attack and stop taking offense to things to the point of infringing upon individual freedoms.


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