Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11th, 2012

Due to today being the anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, I'm not going to discuss anything controversial or potentially offensive. I am not going to harp about how eleven years ago, way too many of our citizens died too soon. How long did Pearl Harbor stay in the national mindset? It was a horrific waste of life that occurred eleven years ago and nothing like that should ever happen again. We will remember it in our hearts.

That is all I will say about it.

I will say that we should get the troops out overseas to come home. September 11th, 2001 killed a lot of Americans. The wars in the middle east have easily claimed twice the lives that the terrorists did eleven years ago, if not more.

I am seriously going to not rant about things today out of respect.

But I can quote!

"And all we're saying is give peace a chance." - John Lennon


Take from that what you will.

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