Monday, November 12, 2012

I Love and Hate This World Sometimes

Last week, we had election day.

I should've posted then, but today's timing is just too good.

All of the idiots who made stupid rape comments (Todd Akin, Richard Murdoch, Joe Walsh, etc.) are NOT in a position of any power.

As one voice, the people of the U.S. told the tea party idiots that, NO, women do not secrete their own birth control when raped, and NO, we WILL NOT have your STUPIDITY in our government. Good day to you, sirs!

I have never felt more pride and hope for this country!

And as I feel pride for this country, I also have to shake my head at the things that I have come to my attention today.

First, Cameron Diaz went on a talk show and talked about how she and her friends forcibly shaved another of their friend's pubic hair against her will. I don't even have the patience to discuss that on here, google it.

Second, the CEO of Murray Energy said a rather narrow-minded prayer for this country to get more conservative or it will be lost forever and laid off 54 people. The fact that separation of Church and State exists (in addition to my loathing for CEO's talking about having a lower standard of living) makes me not go in depth with this one either. Google it, please.

But FINALLY, what has made me more aggravated than anything is happening in a different country! THANK GOODNESS!

The Uganda parliament have announced that they will be passing an anti-gay bill that has parts that condemn people to death for homosexual acts.

President Obama has called their bill "odious," and I could not be more proud.

Other countries have been talking about cutting Uganda off if this bill is passed. Way to go World! I'm very proud of these countries, including the U.S., for standing up for human rights. Uganda does not have to have gay equality, but death for being yourself? Not cool, Uganda. Not cool.


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