Monday, November 12, 2012

I Love and Hate This World Sometimes

Last week, we had election day.

I should've posted then, but today's timing is just too good.

All of the idiots who made stupid rape comments (Todd Akin, Richard Murdoch, Joe Walsh, etc.) are NOT in a position of any power.

As one voice, the people of the U.S. told the tea party idiots that, NO, women do not secrete their own birth control when raped, and NO, we WILL NOT have your STUPIDITY in our government. Good day to you, sirs!

I have never felt more pride and hope for this country!

And as I feel pride for this country, I also have to shake my head at the things that I have come to my attention today.

First, Cameron Diaz went on a talk show and talked about how she and her friends forcibly shaved another of their friend's pubic hair against her will. I don't even have the patience to discuss that on here, google it.

Second, the CEO of Murray Energy said a rather narrow-minded prayer for this country to get more conservative or it will be lost forever and laid off 54 people. The fact that separation of Church and State exists (in addition to my loathing for CEO's talking about having a lower standard of living) makes me not go in depth with this one either. Google it, please.

But FINALLY, what has made me more aggravated than anything is happening in a different country! THANK GOODNESS!

The Uganda parliament have announced that they will be passing an anti-gay bill that has parts that condemn people to death for homosexual acts.

President Obama has called their bill "odious," and I could not be more proud.

Other countries have been talking about cutting Uganda off if this bill is passed. Way to go World! I'm very proud of these countries, including the U.S., for standing up for human rights. Uganda does not have to have gay equality, but death for being yourself? Not cool, Uganda. Not cool.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Proposed Education Reform

Has anyone else noticed how ass backward the school system is? They shove a certain number of students of all different learning types into the same classroom with a random teacher and expect everyone to progress at the same pace even though that is impossible. And then, they blame the teacher when that happens. Everything is measured by tests and scores and results, not individual progress. Even the bureaucratic crap is confusingly stupid.

I am making a call for a serious overhaul of the education system, here, in the U.S.

First, if a student moves away to a new district, that district should not be allowed to refuse their enrollment based on a cut off date. Considering the unstable state our country is in, kids are forced to move all the time. My best friend, for example, recently had to move to somewhere less expensive. The process of moving took time, and the school district refused to let him enroll until he was actually moved in. Before then, something could fall through, he could move somewhere else. Until everything was finalized, they refused enrollment. Once they were officially in district residents, they missed the "cut off date" and were refused enrollment because they were too late in registering. Perhaps if they had made an exception, this would not have become a problem. Now, my friend has to wait a whole semester to even begin his senior year of high school, so he'll have to go an extra semester, graduate late, get everything else pushed back, all because some bureaucratic bullshit created a Catch 22 and removed all options aside from being unable to go to school.

This sort of thing is ridiculous. Situations like this should NEVER be allowed to happen. This is not a private school, this is a public school. Students should not be forcibly barred from an education just because they are uprooted in order to afford somewhere to live.

There was even a point where my friend was technically homeless and the school district did not seem to care. If you're homeless, they cannot verify that you are in district. If you don't have a home, you cannot get an education either. If that's not solidifying the barriers between the classes, I don't know what is.

I digress.

Now, here is my idea for how an effective school should run.

Elementary School

Each elementary school should be divided into classes by learning ability and then age. Students should take a learning ability test (visual, audio, kinesthetic, tactile) and put into classes where the teacher is trained to teach to that specific learning style. This way, the information imparted in elementary school is actually learned and absorbed. Each grade has classes built for each learning style. Tests are given depending on the learning style in order to eliminate bad test taking from information not learned. This would give an accurate view of how a child is progressing. Instead of the ISAT or MAP tests, human test administrators should go to elementary schools and test each child, one on one with a basic skills test developed with that child's learning style in mind. This way, the tests actually reflect the results of how the child has been learning and growing. Once a year, these tests can be administered and the children's progress can be mapped that way.

Middle School

Middle school should be shaped much the same way as the elementary school with the exception that this should indicate a transition from learning styles to a main stream way of teaching, like we have in the few high schools that shunned No Child Left Behind. Instead of all learning style based tests in classes, they can begin to introduce written and scan-tron tests. This way, students can still develop the skills necessary for success in the real world that does not cater to how someone learns information, but still have gotten the help at a young age to easily access important information and be cognizant of their learning style. Knowing one's learning style and being raised with it from a young age can be helpful when approaching teaching and testing tactics that do not conform to one's learning style. In middle school, how to use your learning strengths in order to accomplish something not made for your needs can be something taught in classes and made priority in preparation for high school. For middle school standardized tests, test administrators would still administer tests one on one.

High School

High school should be more main streamed than the others without shaping class and tests based on learning style. Much like it currently is, in fact. ACT could be given the same way and everything. The only difference that I would call for would be to reintroduce creativity to the classroom. Instead of teaching just what would show up on a test, the teacher should have more freedom with their lesson plans and not teach to the test. What they should have in mind when creating said lesson plan, however, is that each lesson includes something for each learning style to grasp onto. This way there aren't bored and disruptive kinesthetic learners messing with the vibe of the classroom which could distract tactile learners. High school should be more meshing the children of different learning styles and maintaining a calm classroom environment in order for more productive learning.

I think it's a good idea, anyway. Who knows.

Maybe with this kind of lay out, knowledge will not be lost of children who don't care about learning. School can be fun if trying to understand the simplest concept is not made frustrating due to lack of attention to a certain learning style.

What I'm suggesting would be no light undertaking and the financial cost would be huge considering that I'm suggesting to restructure the whole dead system into something that could breathe some life into this country again. Someone needs to resuscitate this country's education system. The "leaders of tomorrow" should be people who can read, write, spell, count, understand, communicate, and have the confidence in themselves and their intellect to do it.

What I'm suggesting could be the cure to things like U.S. citizens not knowing how many states there are in the U.S. It could be the cure to Honey Boo Boo. If we give natural human intelligence a chance, there could still be some hope yet.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yep. I Went There.

So. Religion.

I like religion, personally. Some people don't. John Lennon seemed to think the world would be better without it. I, however, think the world would be better without assholes. Assholes are what ruin everything, not religion. Most religions are beautiful, wonderful thoughts of how and why the world is the way it is. And then there are assholes.

There is a large difference between saying, "I don't believe in God," and "You're stupid because you believe in God." There is a difference between saying, "I was saved by Christ," and "You're going to burn in Hell." The difference being the asshole-ish judgments.

I am Wiccan. I do not shove this down people's throats. I don't think I'm better than others because of my religious beliefs. All I ask in return, all anyone should deserve in return, is the same respect.

I cannot express how tiring it is to be invited to Bible studies on my college campus every week just because I wear a pentacle around my neck. Those people mean no harm, but my own choices should not be offensive to others.

A good life motto: "To Each His Own"

This post is a bit shorter, because I've been focused on a lot. Conspiracy Theories, Education Reform, Women's Rights, the Media. I'll probably write a post about these later when I'm less scatterbrained.

Still, religion is very important, and I really feel that this country could do with some realizations regarding what someone else does and if it really affects you. Gay marriage should not be opposed by straight people. They are not being made to participate in a union with someone of the same sex. Religions should not be opposed by people of other religious persuasions. It is not their religion. This country needs to see how not everything is a personal attack and stop taking offense to things to the point of infringing upon individual freedoms.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Not that Anyone Reads This, But It's About Time

It is now time to discuss the up coming election. Why? Because Romney's stupidity is finally visible enough that Republicans started hating his stupid ass.

Many people don't like Obama, because he talked really big four years ago and haven't gotten much of his to do list done.

Many people don't like Romney, because he would sooner sell America, piece by piece, to the highest bidder instead of give this country what it really needs.

Reasons not to vote for Obama:
- He didn't get everything accomplished that he said he would (even though he dealt with a lame duck congress and was DEFINITELY the first politician to fall short of the plans they have)
- He's black. (Yeah, people seriously have an issue with having a black president even though it's been this way for the last 4 years, and we were SO MUCH BETTER OFF with the last white guy.)
- I'm sure there are other petty reasons that people can come up with, but I can't right now.

Reasons to vote for Romney:
- Prove that George Bush really wasn't that bad
- Try to achieve total anarchy
- He's white. (Seriously, people?)
- We like having a president that we can laugh at anytime they come in front of a camera.

Reasons to VOTE FOR OBAMA:
- He cares about this country
- He has helped to turn this country back around (not where we were before Bush, but definitely not worse off)
- He is in favor of the idea of having a female president
- He wants to work for the everyday person and not just the people like Mrs. Reinhart who think we should be able to eat cake if we can't afford bread.

- He wants more tax cuts for the top 1%
- He wants to keep the class warfare and current status quo intact
- He wants to dismantle FAFSA
- He publicly disregarded 47% of the country, because they don't like him
- He offends people whenever he travels somewhere
- He doesn't care about gay families or rights
- He is a calloused person (which is more against him as a person than as a president, but still)
- I could continue, but really this guy only one the primary because he was the best of the worst

It would be a crime against this nation to elect Mitt Romney so that he can continue to coddle his CEO and exceedingly rich friends. Obama has the capacity to do something. At the VERY least, he won't make things worse.

I'm begging the people of blogspot who read this, don't make things worse. PLEASE, don't elect Romney.


Sunday, September 16, 2012


As it would seem, life catches up to everyone. I'm going to resort to posting once a week so that I can catch up on the life that's been piling up. (I'm writing a book.) So every Thursday, (or when inspiration strikes) I'll post something new on here. Still posting regularly, but just not as often as I'd like. Sorry to anyone who's actually been reading this.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Key to Understanding This Blog

If ever I refer to this country and this society, I am referring to the United States as I am a Chicagoan. Also, because our media does not cover other countries ever, because we are a self-centered country, I do not have formed enough opinions on other country's politics yet. Plus, my country is so much for a mess, I'll have material for decades. So, if you are not "American" I apologize since I'll just be ranting about the U.S.


Taking a Breather: My Dream

I cannot believe I did not rant yesterday. I apologize to my readers...or lack thereof.

Today, however, I'm going to take a moment to discuss my dream and why its my dream. I'm an English major, and for a while now, I've been wondering what to do with my degree.

I started on this major wanting to be an English teacher, you know the cool ones from high school who know their shit and do cart wheels when the principal isn't looking. I kind of wanted to be like Morgan Freeman from Lean on Me, start off as the best damn English teacher ever and then get called upon to fix a dying system.

Then, the system didn't just die, it turned into a zombie.

Teachers taught to get good scores on weekly tests so their schools don't close so they can continue to lower standards, get good enough scores, and so on. The life was sucked out of the education system in this country and was replaced with an insatiable hunger for good results but no real reward.

I hate George W. Bush and his No Child Left Behind.

We should just get rid of standardized tests and replace them with an army of one on one testers who test to each student's specific learning needs and potentials. It would stop students being taught for testing, and it would open up a new profession!

Anyway, after the zombification of my one true love, I didn't want to change my major, but I sure as hell did not want to teach drones how to be drones in a world that requires and deserves more than that. So I discovered Editing. I decided on this career path, because I love literature. So why not? I could help fix up the next Charles Dickens or Emily Dickinson and get their words out there.

It wasn't until recently that I realized that is a thing and I'm not much for advertising.

This morning, I read "Spokenwordlife" by Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai for my gender studies class. I still want to edit, but I want to focus on the people who can't get published because of some sort of prejudice. I want to help the unheard voices reach the people of this wonderful world, because words and voices are of the utmost importance. What if the next Charles Dickens is part of a minority that is being blocked by the predominantly white publishing world? We need more literature and poetry from the voices that history tends to forget or how will we ever know anything other than what we are allowed by society to know?

Maybe after removing prejudice from publishing, I'll find the cure for our poor zombie of an education system.
